At Focus tradeshow, I first visited the Della Designed. The brand based in Red Deer, Alberta Canada. Della Designed offers the functional handbags with finest quality leather with great attention to detail and high quality that is sure to be noticed by everyone. All bags are hand made with excellent craftsmanship.
At Della Designed, you can find the one that is well designed yet well made yet luxurious yet light at all the same time. Therefore, all bags are affordable for any occasion. What more, Della Designed offers all bags at reasonable price. I usually had hard time to find well made and quality handbags at reasonable price, but Della Designed allows me to get the most beautiful handbags at any price. Also, for upcoming spring, I could see many bags with bright color such as bold orange, soft-lit pink, green and yellow. The best seller bags for the Della Designed is Tangerine and Champagne leather tote as shown in the picture below.
I had special thanks to Barbara Holmes who showed me the several Della Designed handbags and explained me how it is functional and designed.
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